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VS Outbreak Protocols

In order to keep out Boarding Clients safe and to decrease the spread of the Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) outbreak we will only allow horses onto the property who have the following documentation.

1.  Either a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection OR the attached VS Health Declaration

2. Self temperature log for both AM and PM for the previous 2 days

For more information about the disease, click here 

Bio-Security Protocols while on property

We ask that all clientele please follow these guidelines while enjoying your time at El Sueno Equestrian Center.  If we all follow the rules, we can continue to provide a safe and healthy place for all to enjoy. 


Please keep all visiting horses restricted to the arenas and trailer parking area.  Please DO NOT bring visiting horses into the barns or paddocks.  


Please refrain from touching any horses that are not your own while on property.  


Please dispose of your horses manure into the covered trash cans in the trailer parking area.  This virus is primarily spread through flies so we are doing our best to mitigate fly control.  


If you use the wash rack in the trailer parking area, please spray it down with the bleach disinfectant provided near the spigot.  

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